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10 Best Practices for Personalized Video Content in 2024

Posted by Peter Brooksbank | October 1, 2024

Personalized video content is reshaping marketing in 2024. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Use data to personalize
  2. Create content with AI
  3. Adjust content in real time
  4. Group viewers effectively
  5. Make videos work on all devices
  6. Add interactive features
  7. Connect with viewers' emotions
  8. Make videos accessible to all
  9. Measure video success
  10. Protect viewer privacy

Quick Comparison:

Practice Key Benefit Challenge
Data-driven personalization Higher engagement Privacy concerns
AI-powered creation Scalability Balancing automation with creativity
Real-time adjustments Relevance Technical complexity
Effective grouping Targeted content Data accuracy
Cross-device compatibility Wider reach Technical implementation
Interactive elements Increased engagement User experience design
Emotional connection Stronger brand loyalty Authenticity
Accessibility Inclusive reach Additional production effort
Success measurement Improved ROI Choosing right metrics
Privacy protection Trust building Regulatory compliance

Personalized video content isn't just a trend—it's a game-changer. By using these practices, you can create videos that speak directly to your audience, boost engagement, and drive conversions. Remember: balance personalization with privacy, and always aim for authenticity.

1. Use Data to Personalize

Want to make videos that really click with your audience? It's all about using customer data. Here's the scoop:

Tap into Your CRM and Social Media

Your CRM is packed with good stuff:

  • Names
  • Birthdays
  • Addresses
  • What people buy
  • How they interact with you

Mix that with Facebook behavior data, and you've got a solid picture of who you're talking to.

Real Results

Cadbury's Flavorism campaign knocked it out of the park:

  • Used Facebook data (names, locations, ages, interests, photos)
  • 65% click-through rate
  • 33% of viewers converted

O2's "Refresh" campaign also crushed it:

  • Made 1,000+ video versions based on device and location
  • Click-through rates up 128%
  • Customer acquisition costs down 49%

What You Can Do

  1. Connect your CRM to social media
  2. Look at how people watch and what they like
  3. Make visuals and stories that fit different groups
  4. Keep an eye on what works and tweak as you go

Good personalization isn't just about basic info. It's about getting what makes your customers tick.

Numbers to Watch

Metric Why It Matters
View count How many people see it
Engagement rate Are people into it?
Watch time Is it good enough to keep watching?
Click-through rate Do people take action?
Conversion rate Does it actually sell stuff?

Keep tabs on these, and you'll keep getting better at personalized videos.

"Marketing success begins and ends with data." - Notable Author

This isn't just about getting more likes. It's about boosting your bottom line. Personalized video can bump up sales outreach by over 10% and give you 5-8 times the return on your marketing bucks.

In 2024, using data to make your videos personal isn't just smart—it's how you stay in the game and really connect with your audience.

2. Create Content with AI

AI is shaking up personalized video content. It's making it a breeze to create videos that speak directly to your audience.

Here's how AI can supercharge your video content:

Speedy Script Writing

AI tools like ChatGPT can turn your ideas into video-ready text in no time. It's like having a writing assistant on steroids.

Custom Visuals in a Snap

AI video generators can whip up images and footage based on your script. No more spending hours on design - you get unique visuals for each viewer, fast.

Personal Touch at Scale

Want to include a viewer's name or company logo? Show products they've checked out before? AI makes it happen, and it does it at scale.

AI Avatars: Your Digital Twins

Some AI tools can create lifelike human avatars. These digital twins can deliver your message in multiple languages. It's like cloning yourself, but way cooler.

Here's a quick look at some AI video tools:

Tool Cool Feature Starting Price
Synthesia 70+ AI avatars $29/month
HeyGen 300+ voices, 40+ languages Free (1 min/day)
Pictory Blog posts to videos $19/month

Real-world Win

Maverick, an AI video generator, helps businesses create personalized videos at scale. Record once, make many versions - each addressing a customer by name. Companies using this approach have seen a boost in engagement.

But here's the kicker: AI works best when paired with human creativity. Use these tools to amp up your ideas, not replace them.

3. Adjust Content in Real Time

Real-time content adjustment is a powerful tool for personalized video. It lets you tailor your message based on viewer actions as they happen.

Here's how to make it work:

Use Dynamic Video Ads

These ads change based on user interactions. They show content that fits what the viewer is doing right now.

Process Data Quickly

Set up systems that handle data fast. This lets you respond to viewer actions in milliseconds.

Manage Live Comments

Tools like Restream help you handle viewer comments across platforms. You can adjust your content based on live feedback.

Use AI for Quick Edits

AI tools can help you make fast changes to your videos:

Tool Feature Use Case
Descript Real-time transcription Edit video by changing text Live stream transcription Create searchable content live

Create Urgency with Live Data

Show real-time info to push viewers to act. does this well:

They display how many people are viewing listings at the same time. This creates urgency, encouraging bookings.

Personalize on the Spot

Use viewer data to change content instantly. The Vitamin Shoppe saw great results:

They used real-time product recommendations on category pages. This led to an 11% increase in add-to-cart rates, with suggestions shown within 0.1 seconds of a user's action.

4. Group Viewers Effectively

To nail personalized video content, you need to split your audience into smart groups. This lets you create videos that hit home for each group.

Here's the lowdown on grouping viewers:

Use data to segment

Look at:

  • Basic info: age, location, gender
  • Purchase history
  • Shopping frequency
  • Interests
  • Brand interactions

Create viewer profiles

Sketch out detailed profiles for each group. It's like getting to know your video's "characters."

Match content to buyer's journey

Stage Video Type
Awareness Brand intros
Consideration Problem-solving demos
Decision Competitor comparisons

Leverage tools

PureClarity helps you target customers precisely by letting you segment using a wide array of data. Use UTM parameters, past visit and purchase activity, real-time cart and page information and more. Then create a campaign to show those customers your YouTube/Vimeo or custom content video.

Keep refining

Always track how your videos perform with each group. Use this to fine-tune your approach.

Real-world win

Nike knocked it out of the park:

They made personalized videos based on users' sports data. By tapping into each viewer's achievements, Nike forged a strong emotional bond with their audience.

Result? More engagement and brand loyalty. That's the power of smart viewer grouping.

5. Make Videos Work on All Devices

In 2024, your personalized videos need to look great everywhere. Here's how:

Use Adaptive Bitrate Streaming

This tech adjusts video quality based on the viewer's setup. It means:

  • Less buffering
  • Faster starts
  • Best quality possible

To do it:

1. Make multiple versions of your video


3. Set streaming to "auto"

Pick the Right Orientation

Orientation Best For Example
Horizontal Long-form content YouTube tutorials
Vertical Quick, social content Instagram Stories
Square Multi-platform Facebook feed videos

Make Your Player Responsive

Use this CSS:

.video-container {
    position: relative;
    padding-bottom: 56.25%;
    height: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
.video-container iframe {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

Optimize for Mobile

People watch on phones. So:

  • Keep it short
  • Add captions
  • Use big, clear text

Test Everywhere

Check your videos on different devices and browsers. Catch issues early.

6. Add Interactive Features

Interactive elements in videos? They're not just cool. They boost engagement and make your content personal. Here's how to add them:

Clickable Hotspots

Add clickable areas in your video. They can show extra info, link to products, or skip to different parts.

Quick Tip: Put the first clickable spot within 8 seconds. Hook viewers fast.


Let viewers pick what happens next. Works great for product demos, customer service videos, and brand stories.

Shoppable Videos

Make products in your video buyable. Viewers click, see details, add to cart, or buy now.

Check this out:

Ralph Lauren's shoppable video with Netflix's "Elite" cast got a 7.86% click-through rate and 33.94% interactive views.

Quizzes and Polls

Add questions viewers can answer. Keeps people watching, gives you data, and makes learning fun.

360-Degree Videos

Let viewers look around. Perfect for virtual tours, product showcases, and immersive experiences.

Interactive Learning

For training videos, add knowledge checks, branching scenarios, and practice exercises.

Pro Tip: Use ThingLink for branched learning videos where viewers choose their path.

Mobile-Friendly Design

Make sure it all works on phones. Big, easy-to-tap buttons. Simple interactions. Test on different devices.

Remember: Interactive features aren't just bells and whistles. They're tools to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

7. Connect with Viewers' Emotions

Emotions drive action. Here's how to tap into feelings in your personalized videos:

Tell a Story

Build a narrative that takes viewers on an emotional journey. Start strong, develop your message, and end with impact.

Use Color Psychology

Colors set the mood:

Color Emotion
Red Excitement, passion
Blue Trust, calm
Green Growth, health
Yellow Happiness, optimism

Leverage Music and Sound

Pick audio that fits your message. Research shows music changes how we see visuals, amplifying emotions.

Show Real People

Use genuine expressions and body language. These visual cues help viewers connect.

Create Shared Experiences

Tap into common emotions or situations. Think Allstate's "Mayhem" ads - they use shared fears to grab attention.

Inspire Action

End with a clear, emotion-driven call to action. Make viewers feel empowered.

"Videos that evoke emotions are more successful in marketing." - Wharton School research

Remember: Balance emotion with information. Move viewers, but don't forget the facts.

8. Make Videos Accessible to All

Your personalized videos should be for everyone. Here's how to make that happen:

Captions and Subtitles

Captions aren't just for the deaf or hard of hearing. They're great for noisy places or when you can't turn the sound on.

  • Start with auto-captions, but always double-check them
  • Make sure they match the audio and show who's talking
  • Want to go global? Add subtitles in different languages

Audio Descriptions

These help blind or visually impaired viewers follow along.

  • Describe what's on screen during quiet moments
  • If there's no room, make a separate audio track


Transcripts let people engage with your content at their own speed.

  • Put them on the same page as the video or link to them clearly
  • Include everything that's said and important visual info

Easy-to-See Design

Make your video easy on the eyes:

What to Do How to Do It
Boost contrast Text should be 4.5x darker than the background
Use big fonts Especially for mobile viewers
Keep it simple Don't clutter your design

Pick the Right Video Player

Choose one that lets viewers:

  • Use keyboard controls
  • Turn on captions and audio descriptions
  • Change playback speed

No Autoplay

Let people decide when to start the video. It's less confusing and disorienting.

By doing all this, you're not just widening your audience. You're showing you care about ALL your viewers.

"Universal design works for everyone. It's not just about ADA compliance. It helps when you're tired, using your phone underground, or have a broken arm." - Liz Schumacher, Rivermark Community Credit Union

9. Measure Video Success

Want your personalized videos to work harder? Track these key metrics:

Play Rates

How many people hit play? Aim for 15%. If you're falling short:

  • Spice up your thumbnail
  • Reposition your video on the page

Completion Rates

Are viewers sticking around? Low rates might mean your video's too long or not engaging enough.

Click-Through Rates (CTR)

How many take action after watching? If it's low:

  • Make your call-to-action pop
  • Move it up in the video
Metric Meaning Why It's Important
Play Rate % starting the video Shows initial appeal
Completion Rate % watching to the end Measures engagement
CTR % clicking your CTA Shows action-driving power

Platform-Specific Metrics

Each platform has its quirks:

  • Instagram Stories: Last frame views ÷ First frame views × 100
  • TikTok: Check "Videos your followers watched" for audience preferences

Don't just collect numbers. Use them to level up your next video.

"The initial step in any video marketing campaign is to clearly define the primary marketing goal, whether it is to boost awareness, increase consideration, or drive actionable results."

10. Protect Viewer Privacy

In 2024, privacy is a big deal for personalized video content. Companies need to balance personalization and data protection, especially with new laws in place.

Know the Laws

Keep up with privacy rules:

State Law Effective Date
California CPRA Jan 1, 2023
Colorado CPA Jul 1, 2023
Virginia VCDPA Jan 1, 2023
Utah UCPA Dec 31, 2023

These laws give users more control over their data and make companies be clear about how they use it.

Use First-Party Data

Stick to data you get directly from users. It builds trust and follows the rules.

"7 out of 10 consumers are okay with personalization if brands use their own data responsibly."

Beef Up Security

Pick video platforms with strong security:

  • Look for ISO 27001 and SOC 2 Type 2 certifications
  • Make sure data is sent safely (like SFTP, OAuth 2.0)
  • Check that personal data gets deleted after making videos

Ask for Permission

Always get the okay before using personal data for video personalization. Make it easy for users to say no if they want.

Check Your Privacy Practices

Regularly look at how you personalize:

  • Spot potential privacy risks
  • Make sure you're following current laws
  • Change things if you need to

Be Clear

Tell viewers how you use their data in personalized videos. Use simple words and make it easy to find this info.


Personalized video content isn't just a fad - it's reshaping marketing for 2024 and beyond. It's a game-changer for businesses looking to really connect with their audience.

Check out these stats:

Benefit Impact
Higher engagement 8x increase in click-through rates
Better conversion 280% higher returns than standard emails
Improved ROI 93% of companies see increased conversion rates

The future? It's all about personal, data-driven, AI-powered videos. Companies jumping on this bandwagon are likely to see their marketing efforts pay off big time.

But here's the thing: you've got to balance personalization with privacy. Use data smartly and stay on top of those privacy laws.

And don't forget - authenticity is key. Even a simple webcam video can work wonders if it's genuine and helpful.

Kyle Denhoff, Director of Marketing at Audience Development, nails it:

"Video is just a tactic inside a larger marketing strategy. We can certainly measure the success of a single video based on performance metrics. However, the goal of the video should be aligned with the marketing strategy."

So, what's the secret sauce for 2024? Create videos that speak directly to your audience, solve their problems, and respect their privacy. That's how you'll win in the world of personalized video content.

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