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15 Proven E-Commerce CRO Tips to Boost Sales in 2024

Posted by Peter Brooksbank | August 27, 2024

Here's a quick guide to increase your online store's conversion rate:

  1. Speed up your website

  2. Improve user experience

  3. Write persuasive product descriptions

  4. Use high-quality product images

  5. Simplify checkout process

  6. Offer multiple payment options

  7. Leverage social proof

  8. Create urgency and scarcity

  9. Personalize user experience

  10. Implement effective search functionality

  11. Optimize for mobile commerce

  12. Use exit-intent popups

  13. Provide excellent customer support

  14. Implement A/B testing

  15. Utilize retargeting strategies


Key Benefit

Speed optimization

Reduces bounce rate

Mobile-friendly design

Captures growing mobile market

Clear product images

Builds customer confidence

Simplified checkout

Reduces cart abandonment

Customer reviews

Increases trust and sales

These strategies can help boost your e-commerce conversion rate from the average 2-4% to potentially double digits. Focus on improving user experience, building trust, and making the buying process as smooth as possible.

What is E-Commerce CRO?

E-commerce Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is about making your online store better at turning visitors into buyers. It's a key way to boost sales without spending more on ads.

Why CRO Matters for Online Stores

The average online store only turns 2.5% to 3.65% of visitors into customers. This means there's a lot of room to do better. Here's why CRO is important:

  • It helps you make more money from the traffic you already have

  • You can learn what your customers like and don't like

  • It can help your website show up higher in Google searches

How CRO Works

CRO uses A/B testing to compare different versions of your website. This helps you find out what works best for your customers. Here's a quick look at how it's done:

  1. Pick something to test (like a button color or page layout)

  2. Make two versions of your page

  3. Show each version to different visitors

  4. See which one gets more people to buy

Real CRO Success: Negative Underwear

Negative Underwear, a women's lingerie brand, used CRO to grow their business. By improving their website, they increased their sales by more than 150% since they started.

Key CRO Numbers to Know


Average Value

What It Means

E-commerce conversion rate

3.65% (2023)

How many visitors buy something

CRO return on investment


How much money you make back for every dollar spent on CRO

Form size reduction impact

Up to 120% increase

How much more people fill out forms when you make them shorter

Tips to Start CRO

  1. Look at your data: Use tools like Google Analytics to see how people use your site

  2. Ask your customers: Use surveys to find out what they like and don't like

  3. Test small changes: Start with easy things like changing button colors or moving things around on the page

  4. Keep testing: CRO is ongoing. Always look for ways to make your site better

An example of CRO for Shopify stores

1. Optimize Website Speed

Making your website load faster is key for selling more online in 2024. A quick site keeps customers happy and helps you sell more. Studies show that if your page takes just one second longer to load, you could lose 7% of your sales and 16% of your customers might be unhappy.

Why Speed Matters

  • Customers Leave: About 40% of people will leave a store's website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

  • Search Rankings: Google likes fast websites. If your site is slow, it might not show up as high in search results.

  • Repeat Visitors: 79% of shoppers say they won't come back to a slow website.

Tools to Check Your Speed

Use these tools to see how fast your website is:

How to Make Your Site Faster

Try these tips to speed up your website:

  • Shrink Your Images: Use a tool like TinyPNG to make your pictures smaller without losing quality. This can make them up to 75% smaller.

  • Use a CDN: This spreads your website files to servers around the world, making your site load faster for everyone.

  • Save Files on Visitors' Devices: This is called caching. It helps your site load faster when people come back.

  • Clean Up Your Code: Remove extra spaces and characters from your website's code to make it smaller and faster.

Real-World Example

Rhone Apparel, a clothing company, made their website faster and saw big results:



12% faster page loads

15% more money made

17% more sales

37.95% faster server responses

2. Enhance User Experience (UX)

Making your online store easy to use is key to selling more in 2024. When shoppers enjoy using your site, they're more likely to buy and come back. Here's how to make your store better:

Main Parts of Good UX

  1. Easy to Use: Make your site simple to navigate. Clear menus help people find what they want quickly. If your site is hard to use, 67% of mobile shoppers will leave.

  2. Works on Phones: Over half of web traffic comes from phones. Make sure your site looks good and works well on all devices.

  3. Loads Fast: A slow site can cost you sales. Aim for your pages to load in under two seconds.

  4. Quick Checkout: Make buying easy. Use a one-page checkout to reduce cart abandonment.

  5. Good Pictures: Use high-quality images and videos. They help shoppers understand your products better.

Tips to Improve Your Store's UX


Why It Helps

Clear "Buy Now" Buttons

Guides shoppers to buy

Show All Costs Upfront

Avoids surprises at checkout

Add Customer Reviews

Builds trust in your products

Personalize the Experience

Shows products shoppers might like

Keep Content Fresh

Keeps shoppers interested

Real-World Success Story

In 2022, outdoor gear store REI improved their mobile checkout. They made it easier to enter shipping info and pick delivery options. This led to:

  • 10% more sales on phones

  • 8% fewer abandoned carts

REI's VP of Digital Experience, Curtis Kopf, said: "By focusing on the mobile experience, we saw a big jump in sales from smartphone users."

Key Numbers to Remember

  • 38% of shoppers will leave a site if it looks bad or is hard to use (Adobe study)

  • 88% of customers are less likely to return to a site with poor UX (HubSpot)

  • Improving UX can increase sales by up to 400% (Forrester Research)

3. Implement Persuasive Product Descriptions

Good product descriptions can help you sell more online. They tell customers why your product is worth buying and can make them want to buy it right away.

Key Parts of Good Product Descriptions

  1. Focus on How It Helps, Not Just What It Does
    Tell customers how your product will make their life better. For example, don't just say a backpack has many pockets. Explain how these pockets help keep things organized and easy to find when traveling.

  2. Use Words That Paint a Picture
    Help customers imagine using your product. Use words that describe how it looks, feels, or works. This can make people want to buy it more.

  3. Write for Your Ideal Customer
    Talk directly to the person most likely to buy your product. For running shoes, you might say: "These shoes are made for runners who want comfort and speed."

  4. Show What Others Think
    Add customer reviews to your product pages. This can make people trust your product more. Pages with at least one review can sell up to 354% more.

  5. Make It Easy to Read
    Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and clear headers. This helps people find the information they want quickly.

Real Example: Nike's Product Descriptions


Nike does a good job with their product descriptions. They tell you what the product does and how it helps you. For example, they might say a running shoe has a "wider front" and then explain that this "gives your toes more room without making the shoe less comfy."

How to Write Better Product Descriptions


Why It Works

Know who you're selling to

You can write in a way that speaks to them

Use simple words

More people will understand what you're saying

Tell a story about the product

It helps people connect with what you're selling

Add customer reviews

It shows that others like your product

Keep it short and clear

People can find what they need quickly

4. Use Good Product Images

Good product images are key for selling more online. They help customers see what they're buying since they can't touch the product in person. A study found that 87.6% of shoppers say product images are very important when they're deciding what to buy. Using professional photos can make your products look better and help you sell more.

Why Good Images Matter

  1. Quick First Look: People understand images much faster than words. Good photos make a strong first impression and show that your business is trustworthy.

  2. Fewer Returns: Clear, detailed images help set the right expectations. Products with good photos sell 33% more and have fewer returns because customers know what they're getting.

  3. Build Trust: Clear photos help customers trust your brand. 75% of online shoppers rely on product photos when deciding to buy something.

Tips for Taking Good Product Photos


Why It Helps

Show Many Angles

Gives customers a full view of the product

Include Lifestyle Photos

Shows how products look in real life

Use Good Names for Images

Helps your website show up in search results

Real Examples That Worked

  1. Dr. Martens : They show close-up photos of their "black smooth leather boots" so customers can see the texture clearly.

  2. Ikea : They put furniture in room settings, like showing an office chair in a home office. This helps customers picture how it would look in their own space.

  3. Fabletics : They use photos from real customers wearing their clothes. This adds trust and shows how the clothes look on different people.

Key Numbers to Remember

  • Only 0.52% of shoppers want to see one product photo

  • 33.16% want to see many photos

  • About 60% like to see photos that show the product from all angles

Good product photos can help you sell more and have fewer returns. They show customers exactly what they're buying, which makes them more likely to be happy with their purchase.

5. Make Checkout Easy

A simple checkout process can help you sell more online. Many shoppers (about 70%) leave without buying because checkout is too hard. Here's how to make it better:

Two Main Checkout Types

  1. One-Page Checkout: Everything on one page. Customers can buy in about 53 seconds.

  2. Multi-Step Checkout: Spread across several pages. Takes about 1 minute 40 seconds to finish.

Tips to Improve Checkout

  1. Let Guests Buy: About 25% of shoppers leave if they have to make an account.

  2. Use Auto-Fill: Google Autocomplete for addresses can speed up checkout by 20%.

  3. Show All Costs: 55% of shoppers leave when they see surprise fees at the end.

  4. Offer Many Payment Options: 70% of customers will leave if they can't pay how they want.

Real Examples


What They Do Well


Simple checkout page with trust signals and many payment options

Helm Boots

Offers Shop Pay, Google Pay, and other easy payment methods

Taylor Stitch

Uses a progress bar to show how many steps are left

Key Numbers



Shoppers who leave due to forced account creation


Time saved with Google Autocomplete


Shoppers who leave due to high or surprise fees


Customers who leave if their preferred payment isn't available


6. Offer Multiple Payment Options

Giving customers many ways to pay can help you sell more online. Studies show that about 70% of shoppers will leave without buying if they can't use their favorite payment method. Here's why offering different payment choices matters and how to do it well.

Why It's Important

  1. Makes Customers Happy: Let people pay how they want, whether it's with credit cards, PayPal, Google Pay, or other options. This makes buying easier and keeps customers coming back.

  2. Builds Trust: When shoppers see payment methods they know and trust, they're more likely to buy. For example, 69% of PayPal users feel safer buying from stores that accept PayPal.

  3. Helps You Sell to More People: By accepting payments from different countries and in various currencies, you can sell to customers around the world.

Popular Ways to Pay

Payment Method

What It Does


Works in many countries, trusted by many

Google Pay

Quick, safe payments on phones

Apple Pay

Easy one-touch buying for iPhone users


Works well with many online stores

Shopify Payments

Easy to use with Shopify stores

Tips for Adding Payment Options

  • Choose Easy-to-Use Systems: Pick payment services like Stripe or PayPal that work well with your online store and support many payment types.

  • Keep It Safe: Make sure your payment system follows security rules like PCI DSS to protect customer information.

  • Look at What Others Do: See what payment options other stores in your field offer to get ideas and stay competitive.

Real-World Example: Helm Boots

Helm Boots

Helm Boots, a shoe company, improved their online store by adding more payment options. They now offer:

  • Credit/debit cards

  • PayPal

  • Shop Pay

  • Google Pay

  • Apple Pay

This change made it easier for customers to buy, leading to:

  • 15% increase in sales

  • 10% fewer abandoned carts

  • Positive customer feedback about the easy checkout process

Helm's CEO, Joshua Bingaman, said: "Adding more payment options was a game-changer for us. It's made buying easier for our customers and helped our business grow."

7. Leverage Social Proof

Social proof helps you sell more online by showing potential customers that others like and trust your products. When people see that others have had good experiences with your brand, they're more likely to buy from you.

Why Social Proof Works

  1. Builds Trust: Almost all shoppers (92%) read reviews before buying online. When they see good feedback, they trust your brand more.

  2. Boosts Sales: Product pages with reviews sell 3.5 times more than those without. Showing what others think helps convince people to buy.

  3. Encourages Sharing: Many shoppers (53%) say seeing photos from real customers gives them more confidence than professional pictures. When customers share their experiences, it helps your brand grow.

Effective Ways to Use Social Proof




Customer Reviews

Ask buyers to leave reviews

Manssion shows both good and bad reviews to build trust

Trust Badges

Add security symbols at checkout

PayPal users feel 69% safer buying from stores that accept it

Influencer Support

Work with popular social media users

Can help reach more potential customers

Real-World Success Story

Scott Dunn, a luxury travel company, uses a rotating display of customer reviews on their main page. This has led to more bookings and happier customers.

Nestig, a children's furniture brand, shows a 5-star rating and the number of reviews right next to their products. This helps new customers feel more confident about buying.

8. Create Urgency and Scarcity

Making customers feel they need to buy now can boost your online sales. This works by tapping into people's fear of missing out (FOMO).

Why Urgency and Scarcity Work

  1. Makes Products Seem More Valuable: When something is hard to get, people want it more.

  2. Speeds Up Buying: People decide faster when they think they might miss out.

  3. Gets More Attention: Limited offers make people pay attention to your store.

Ways to Create Urgency and Scarcity


What It Does


Time-Limited Deals

Sets a deadline for offers

Best Buy uses "Only good for 5 more minutes!"

Countdown Clocks

Shows time left visually

Website popups with clocks sell 113% better

Low Stock Alerts

Tells customers items are running out

Verve Coffee uses "Only 2 left!" badges

Real Examples That Worked

  • Amazon: Shows "Today's Deals" with time limits.

  • Etsy : Displays how many items are left and how many people want them.

  • Starbucks : Sells seasonal drinks for a short time each year.

Tips for Using Urgency and Scarcity

  1. Be Honest: Don't make up fake shortages. Customers can tell.

  2. Use Clear Words: Say exactly when a sale ends or how many items are left.

  3. Don't Overdo It: Use these tricks sometimes, not all the time.

9. Personalize User Experience

Making your online store feel like it's made just for each customer can help you sell more and keep people coming back. Here's why it matters and how to do it well:

Why Personalization Helps



More Repeat Buyers

78% of shoppers are likely to buy again after a personalized experience

Higher Sales

Can lead to a 20% increase in sales

Fewer Lost Sales

66% of customers leave when content isn't personalized

Ways to Personalize


How It Works


Product Suggestions

Show items based on what customers have looked at or bought

Amazon suggests screen protectors when you view phone cases

Custom Emails

Send emails with the customer's name and products they might like

Best Buy sends offers based on past purchases

Smart Website Content

Change what's on the page based on how people use your site

Lowe's shows search suggestions to help people find what they need

Real Results

1. Craft Spirit Shop

  • What they did: Showed pop-ups with products based on what people were looking at

  • Result: 38.5% more people bought things, and they spent 77.9% more money

2. Kennedy Blue

  • What they did: Used a pop-up to ask people why they were leaving the site

  • Result: 50% more sales in just one month

Tips for Getting Started

  • Start small: Try one or two ways to personalize at first

  • Use what you know: Look at data about what your customers buy and like

  • Keep testing: Try different ideas to see what works best for your store

10. Implement Effective Search Functionality

A good search feature on your online store helps customers find products quickly and can boost your sales. Here's why it matters and how to make it work well:

Why Good Search Matters

  • Customers Use It: About 43% of visitors go straight to the search bar when they land on retail websites.

  • More Sales: People who use search are likely to buy more. They convert at 4.63%, which is almost twice the average rate of 2%.

Key Features to Add


What It Does


Suggests products as customers type

Error Fixing

Handles spelling mistakes


Lets customers narrow down results

Easy to Find

Put the search bar where people can see it

Real Results

  • Inyouths : Added smart search suggestions. In 6 months, they saw:

    • 17% more sales

    • 23% fewer people leaving the site

  • U.S. Army Family and MWR: Fixed their search to understand military terms better. This led to:

    • More people using the site

    • Fewer repeat searches

    • Fewer people leaving quickly

Tips to Make Search Better

  1. Make It Big: Use a large search bar so people can type long phrases.

  2. Put It Where People Expect: Usually at the top right or center of the homepage.

  3. Use What You Learn: Look at what people search for to improve your site.

What Others Say

Zach Dannett from Tumble says: "Searches on online stores lead to nearly 40% of sales." This shows how important good search is for selling more.

11. Optimize for Mobile Commerce

More people are shopping on their phones than ever before. By 2024, about 70% of online sales will happen on mobile devices. This means your online store needs to work well on phones.

Why Mobile Matters

  • People Use Phones: 79% of smartphone owners have bought something on their phone.

  • Sales Impact: If your site doesn't work well on phones, you could lose sales. 80.2% of mobile shoppers leave without buying if the site is hard to use.

How to Make Your Site Better for Phones


What It Does

Why It Helps

Mobile-First Design

Build your site for phones first

Makes sure the most important things are easy to find

Quick Checkout

Make buying easy with one-page checkout

Can lower cart abandonment from 69% to 20%

Responsive Design

Site adjusts to fit any screen size

Keeps your site looking good on all devices

Use Phone Features

Add things like GPS and camera functions

Makes shopping easier and more fun

Keep Customers Engaged

Use live chat and push messages

Push messages get opened 90% of the time

Real Examples That Worked

1. Amazon

  • What they did: Made their site fast and easy to use on phones

  • Result: More people buy things on their phones

2. Kiwibank

  • What they noticed: Over 10% of people were using their site on phones

  • What they did: Made their site easier to use on small screens

  • Result: People could find what they needed more easily

Tips to Remember

  • Make your site load fast. 53% of people will leave if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load.

  • Use big buttons and easy-to-read text on your mobile site.

  • Test your site on different phones to make sure it works well.

12. Use Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-intent popups show up when a user is about to leave your website. They can help keep visitors on your site and turn them into customers or subscribers.

How Exit-Intent Popups Work

These popups appear when:

  • On desktop: The mouse moves towards the back button or address bar

  • On mobile: The user scrolls up quickly or hits the back button

The goal is to catch the user's attention with a good offer before they leave.

Benefits of Exit-Intent Popups



More Conversions

Can boost rates by 2-8%

Fewer Lost Sales

Can recover up to 53% of leaving visitors

Bigger Email List

Can increase subscribers by up to 500%

Real-World Results

  1. Bonjour Lisbonne

    • What they did: Added an exit popup

    • Result: Doubled daily email signups and 30% more sales

  2. Fastrack

    • What they did: Used targeted exit popups

    • Result: Kept 53% of leaving visitors on site

  3. Ryan Robison

    • What they did: Added exit popups

    • Result: 500% more email subscribers

Tips for Good Exit Popups

  1. Make It Personal: Use what you know about the user to show relevant offers

  2. Keep It Simple: Use clear, short messages that are easy to understand

  3. Test Different Ideas: Try various designs and offers to see what works best

Example: Skullcandy's Success


Skullcandy used an exit popup offering a 20% discount. This helped them get more email subscribers and boost sales.

13. Provide Excellent Customer Support

Good customer support helps online stores sell more and keep customers happy. Here's why it matters and how to do it well:

Why Customer Support is Important



Keeps customers loyal

75% of shoppers say good service is key to sticking with a brand

Leads to more sales

94% of people are likely to buy again after good service

Saves money

It's cheaper to keep current customers than find new ones

How to Give Great Customer Support

1. Be available all the time

Only 48% of online stores offer 24/7 support. Being there when customers need help can set you apart.

2. Let customers help themselves

Add a FAQ section to your site. This can cut down support requests by 33%.

3. Use live chat

Live chat can boost sales by 3-5 times and make customers happier.

4. Make it personal

Use what you know about customers to give them better help.

Real-World Example: Amazon

Amazon is known for great customer service. In 2019, they won several awards for keeping customers happy. They focus on:

  • Quick responses

  • Solving problems fast

  • Being friendly

Key Numbers to Remember

  • 90% of customers say getting help quickly is very important

  • 66% of people hate waiting on hold or repeating themselves to different staff

  • 42% expect a reply on social media within an hour

Tips for Better Support

  1. Train your team to suggest related products

  2. Answer questions about products to help customers decide

  3. Follow up after purchases to see if customers need help

14. Implement A/B Testing

A/B testing helps online stores improve their websites by comparing two versions to see which one works better. Here's what you need to know:

What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing shows two different versions of a webpage to different groups of visitors. It helps you:

  • Make choices based on how users actually behave

  • Increase sales without spending more on ads

  • Improve the user experience

How to Do A/B Testing

  1. Pick a goal (like more clicks or fewer abandoned carts)

  2. Choose one thing to test (like a button color)

  3. Make two versions of the page

  4. Show each version to different visitors for 2-4 weeks

  5. Look at the results to see which version did better

Real Results from A/B Testing


What They Tested


Brico Privé

Product page layouts

48% more sales, 109% more money


Ad link colors

$200 million more per year

Tips for Good A/B Tests

  • Test one thing at a time

  • Use enough visitors (at least 350 per version)

  • Let the test run long enough (2-4 weeks)

  • Look at results for computer and phone users separately

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Changing too many things at once

  • Stopping the test too early

  • Not having enough visitors in the test

A/B testing can help you make your online store better, but it's important to do it right. By following these tips and avoiding common errors, you can learn what your customers like and make more sales.

15. Utilize Retargeting Strategies

Retargeting helps online stores bring back visitors who showed interest but didn't buy. It's a way to show ads to people who've been on your site before.

Why Retargeting Works

  • People who see retargeting ads are 70% more likely to buy

  • About 80% of shopping carts are left without buying

  • Retargeting can help get back some of these lost sales

Effective Ways to Retarget


How It Works


Dynamic Ads

Show products users looked at before

Madewell shows items you viewed with personalized messages

Cart Reminders

Remind users about items left in cart

Offer a discount to finish the purchase

Audience Groups

Show different ads to different groups

All Birds targets users interested in new products


Use ads on social media and Google

Reach users where they spend time online


Use limited-time offers

Encourage quick action

Real Results

1. Grayson Living (Furniture Store)

  • What they did: Used retargeting ads and custom landing pages

  • Results:

    • 279% more sales in the first year

    • 11% higher average order value

2. Beardbrand (Men's Grooming)

  • Tactic: Used email marketing to keep customers interested

  • Outcome: Grew into a multi-million dollar brand

Tips for Better Retargeting

  1. Show ads 15-20 times per month for best results

  2. Don't show ads to people who already bought

  3. Use different messages for different groups of customers

  4. Test your ads to see what works best

Key Numbers to Remember

  • 92% of first-time visitors aren't ready to buy right away

  • Repeat customers spend 5 times more than new ones

  • 68% of paid search clicks happen on mobile phones


As we look at e-commerce in 2024, making websites better at turning visitors into buyers is key. Most online stores only get 2-3 out of every 100 visitors to buy something. This means there's a lot of room to do better.

Here's what the 15 tips we talked about can do for your online store:


How It Helps

More Sales

Get more people to buy without spending extra on ads

Happier Customers

Make shopping easier and more enjoyable

Lower Costs

Keep customers coming back instead of always finding new ones

Better Website

Create a site that works well and looks good on all devices

Let's look at some real results:

  1. Grayson Living (Furniture Store)

    • What they did: Used ads to bring back visitors who left without buying

    • Results:

      • 279% more sales in the first year

      • People spent 11% more per order

  2. NorthStock (HVAC Equipment)

    • What they did: Made their website faster and easier to use

    • Result: 53% more visitors bought something

These companies show that small changes can make a big difference.

Key Things to Remember

  • Only 22% of companies are happy with how many visitors buy from them

  • People are 70% more likely to buy after seeing ads for items they looked at before

  • 45% of online shoppers are more likely to buy when a store suggests items they might like

What You Can Do Now

  1. Make your website faster: People leave slow sites

  2. Use good pictures: Show your products clearly from all angles

  3. Make checkout easy: Don't make people create accounts to buy

  4. Show what others think: Add customer reviews to build trust

  5. Test different ideas: Try changing small things on your site to see what works best

How to Check CRO Results

To measure how well your Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) efforts are working, you need to track key numbers that show how users interact with your website. Here's a breakdown of what to look at and which tools can help:

Key Numbers to Watch

  1. Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who buy something or sign up. A higher number means your CRO is working.

  2. Bounce Rate: How many people leave after seeing just one page. A high number might mean your site needs work.

  3. Time on Page: How long visitors stay. Longer times usually mean people are more interested.

  4. Pages per Visit: How many pages a user looks at. More pages can mean higher engagement.

  5. Form Dropout Rate: How many people start filling out a form but don't finish. This can show where people get stuck.

Tools to Measure CRO Success


What It Does


Google Analytics

Tracks visitors, time on site, and conversions

Free (basic version)

VWO Insights

Shows heatmaps and records user sessions

Free for up to 5,000 monthly users


Offers heatmaps and user feedback

Free plan available

Keep Checking and Improving

By regularly looking at these numbers, you can spot problems in how users move through your site. This helps you make smart changes to improve user experience and sell more.

Using both numbers (like conversion rates) and user feedback gives you a full picture of how well your CRO efforts are working. This way, you can keep making your e-commerce site better and boost your sales.


How to optimize ecommerce conversion rate?

To boost your online store's sales, try these proven methods:

1. Make checkout easier

Simplify your checkout process to reduce cart abandonment. The average rate of abandoned carts is 69.23%.

2. Show trust signals

Add customer reviews, security badges, and safe payment icons. Shoppers who read reviews are 58% more likely to buy.

3. Display clear product reviews

Make it easy for customers to find and read reviews. This helps build trust and encourages purchases.

4. Improve mobile experience

Over 40% of online sales happen on phones. Make sure your site works well on all devices.

5. Use high-quality product photos

Good images help customers decide to buy. Invest in professional photography to show your products clearly.

6. Create a clear checkout form

Use simple language and a logical layout. This helps customers complete their purchase without confusion.

7. Label all checkout fields

Clearly mark which fields are required and which are optional. This speeds up the checkout process.

Real-world examples





Improved website speed by 35%

Increased monthly purchases from 25.5 million to 30.6 million


Simplified checkout page

10% increase in revenue

Key takeaways

  • The average online store conversion rate is 2.5-3%

  • A/B testing can help you find what works best for your customers

  • Personalized experiences can significantly increase sales

Find out how PureClarity can help with your CRO